Update Help on Dev and Prod Sites
The dev site is for Tech Writers to test that the online help works. The prod site is the site that users access directly from the product, either when they click the ? on any page or a link on a product page.
The process for updating the SST help and the Installation Guides on the dev and prod sites is the same.
Each SST release has a branch in the dsp-docs repo with the naming convention develop_nnn, where nnn is the release number (develop_701, for example). After a pull request is merged to the branch develop_nnn, a Technical Writer can then log in to Jenkins and build the help on the dev site, prod site, or both.
Each SST release has a branch in the dsp-install-manuals repo with the naming convention Stagingnnn, where nnn is the release number (Stagini701, for example). After a pull request is merged to the branch develop_nnn to Stagingnnn, a Technical Writer can then log in to Jenkins and build the help on the dev site, prod site, or both.
When jenkins builds help for these versions, it copies the output to a site accessed by a specific URL.
NOTE: For SKP help, pushing content to develop automatically starts a build in jenkins called ‘CloudDocsDev’ to build the new content in the dev site. There is no need to access jenkins when updating SKP help (unless to check for failure issues). Refer to Merge the Develop Branch to the Master Branch for details of pushing from develop to master.
SST Domain for DSP Versions 7.0-7.0.5
The initial help was hosted on a boaweb.com domain. We have to keep these versions of help available for users of these older versions of the product.
To review the dev version of the help site, use one of the following URLs, depending on whether you are viewing the Full version or the Solex version of the help:
Dev Full: https://dsphelpdev.boaweb.com/nnn/general/Home.htm
Dev Solex: https://dsphelpdev.boaweb.com/nnn/solex/Home.htm
When a user clicks the ? in the DSP for versions 7.0-7.0.5, it takes them to one of the following URLs:
Prod Full: https://dsphelp.boaweb.com/nnn/general/Home.htm
Prod Solex: https://dsphelp.boaweb.com/nnn/solex/Home.htm
SST Versions 7.0.6 and Later
For version 7.0.6 and later of SST, help is located at these addresses:
Dev Full: https://dsphelpdev.syniti.com/nnn/general/Home.htm
Dev Solex: https://dsphelpdev.syniti.com/nnn/solex/Home.htm
Prod Full: https://dsphelp.syniti.com/nnn/general/Home.htm
Prod Solex: https://dsphelp.syniti.com/nnn/solex/Home.htm
SKP Domains
Dev version:
Prod version
Syniti Guides
Full Dev version
Full Prod version
Solex Dev Version
Solex Prod Version
Update the Help on the Dev and Prod Sites
To update the help on the sites for SST and the Syniti Guides:
Log in to Jenkins.
In the Name column, click DSPDocs.
Click the Schedule a Build with parameters for [Target Name] icon for either
NOTE: If you are updating a version of the help that has already been released, build the help in dev then in prod. If you are updating a version of the help that has not yet been released, build in dev as needed.
Enter the version number in the VERSION field.
Click Build. The build status displays in the left column under Build History.
After the build completes, open an incognito window in Chrome to view the help to confirm your updates are on the site.
To update the sites for the SKP you do not need to run Jenkins. Instead, you push content to two different branches:
Merge your branch to the develop branch. This runs a job to automatically update the develop site.
After checking the develop site, merge the develop branch to the master branch. This pushes your updates to the production site.
NOTE: Pushing content to develop automatically starts a build in jenkins called ‘CloudDocsDev’ to build the new content in the dev site. There is no need to access jenkins when updating SKP help (unless to check for failure issues). Refer to Merge the Develop Branch to the Master Branch for details of pushing from develop to master.