Workflow - In Process
Technical Writers begin work on tickets as soon as possible after the work on a ticket has been confirmed to be in scope for a release. Information about features, enhancements and bugs is made available through demos, walkthroughs, descriptions on Jira tickets and slack chats.
Release notes or small updates can be noted on the Jira ticket. For significant updates, create a google doc and link it to the ticket.
When writing content, the TW communicates with PM/Dev as needed to ask questions, get clarification etc.
Prepare content for SME or Peer Review
Prepare content with ease of review in mind.
Just release notes: add a comment to the ticket with the release note and @mention the mission’s PM to review.
Help changes: create a Google doc with the new or changed content and the release notes. Add a comment to the ticket with a link to the Google doc and @mention the mission’s PM to review.
Only include the content that is going to be updated or added in help to the google doc. Don’t include research or background information.
If you are updating content that has been released in a previous version:
Access the current version of the topic in help.
Copy the topic into a google doc.
Select View > Mode > Suggesting. Changes are now tracked in the document.
NOTE: Select View > Mode > Editing to turn off track changes if necessary (if you are fixing formatting, for example).
Highlight text with questions, and ask those questions in a comment.
If you are adding a new topic in help you do not have to use revision marks. Indicate in the google doc where in the TOC the new topic will be added.
Most changes will require an update to the release notes. Be sure to include that information along with the documentation in the ticket.