Add User Feedback to the Help

User feedback may require input from PM if the updates are a substantial change to how the functionality is described. If the user feedback is about a typo, formatting issue, or is content that should be updated because it is incorrect, follow the second set of steps below.

NOTE: Add a bullet with information about what user feedback we've incorporated in a given release in the What's New topic, under Help Enhancement Requests from Users.

Updates to Content

User feedback process if the suggestion is an update to content that needs to be reviewed by PM:

  1. Tech Writers receive an email sent from the feedback email either from the online help or the Installation Manual.
  2. TW confirms issue, then responds to confirm receipt and lets the user know that PM must review the changes, and TW will let them know the outcome.
  3. Tech Writer adds this information to a JIRA issue.

    NOTE: Enter the issue on the DocTeamToDos board.

  4. TW assigns the issue to the PM for feedback.
  5. TW adds a note in the issue description that the request came from the help feedback, and was submitted by the submitter’s name.
  6. PM evaluates whether the update should be included in the help and assigns a fix version as needed.

    NOTE: All updates are included in the in-process version of the manual. Some may require updates to the previously released versions of help.

  7. PM adds a note to the issue and assigns it back to the TW who entered the ticket.
  8. TW updates documentation following the standard process, or closes the ticket, depending on PM feedback.
  9. TW emails submitter with resolution, if an update was made, or if one was not.

Minor Changes

User feedback process if the suggestion is an update to content such as a typo, formatting change, or correction to content:

  1. Tech Writers receive an email sent from the feedback email with changes/comments.
  2. TW confirms issue, then responds to confirm receipt and let the user know next steps.
  3. Tech Writer adds this information to a JIRA Document issue. NOTE: Enter the issue on the DocTeamToDos board.
  4. TW adds a note in the issue description that the request came from the help feedback link, and was submitted by the submitter’s name.
  5. TW updates the in process manuals following the standard process.
  6. TW sends an email to the submitter letting them know the update has been made.