Build Help Targets
There are two versions of help for the SST:
- Solex
- Full
The Help target for Solex (HTML5 Solex) excludes content with these condition tags applied:
- dspConduct
- IG Universal Connect
Help target for the full version (HTML5 Full) excludes content with these condition tags applied:
There is one help target for SKP: HTML5 SKT Help
Generate a Target
To generate a target locally:
In the Project Organizer pane, open the Targets folder.
Open the appropriate target:
HTML5 Solex - for Solex SST help
HTML5 Full (Primary) – for Full SST help
SKP target name
Install Guide Solex target name
HTML5 Full -Install
HTML5 Solex -Install
Click Build.
Review the Build log to determine if any errors need to be resolved.
View the Build Log
To view the Build log:
Open the Builds window.
Right-click a completed build and select View Build Log.
Click the Warnings tab and the Errors tab to review messages.
Resolve all errors. Resolve warnings except for the “Topic excluded from output” warnings, which are normal.
Complete the steps for each target, as needed.
The date and time help was built displays:
At the bottom of the What’s New topic for SST
At the bottom of the Welcome topic in SKP
At the bottom of the home page in the Installation Manuals